-------------------------------------------------- 2004-03-28::zms-2.2.0-b01.tar.gz -- UTF-8 * Added support for UTF-8 encoding. -- ZCATALOG (for uni-cgn) * Revised zcatalog-queries for multi-client configurations. * Fixed problem in refresh-algorithm for embedded links. -- LANGUAGES * Added new language xml. * Added revised italian translation (contributed by O. Bruehl) * Added revised farsi translation (contributed by E. Nazemi) -- MS DEC RICHTEXT EDITOR: * Fixed problems with stylesheet and missing language-string. -------------------------------------------------- 2004-03-30::zms-2.2.0-b03.tar.gz -- BUG-FIX (for C. Kiehle) * Fixed inserting of new folders and documents. -- BUG-FIX (for uni-cgn) * Fixed artefact in update-algorithm of object-attributes. -- PATCH (for Pasc) * Added support for stylesheet handling inside recursive inclusions. -------------------------------------------------- 2004-04-01::zms-2.2.0-b04.tar.gz -- BUG-FIX (for uni-cgn) * Fixed update-algorithm for utf8 conversion of dictionary- and list-attributes. -- SQL-DB * Added utf-8 support to ZMS SQL datasource. * Allowed configuration-tab only for administrators. -------------------------------------------------- 2004-04-07::zms-2.2.0-b05.tar.gz -- BUG-FIX (for R.Bendit) * Fixed antispam-email links in url-attributes -------------------------------------------------- 2004-04-08::zms-2.2.0-b06.tar.gz -- LANGUAGES * Added revised italian translation (contributed by infosion) -- ZOPE 2.7 & PYTHON 2.3 * Added support for Zope-2.7.0 and Python-2.3 (will not work on Zope-2.6.x and Python 2.1.x anymore) -------------------------------------------------- 2004-04-10::zms-2.2.0-b07.tar.gz -- XHTML * Revised (X)HTML-tags -------------------------------------------------- 2004-04-13::zms-2.2.0-b08.tar.gz -- ZMS ELEARNING COMPONENTS (for xmachina) * Revised support for SCORM simple sequencing rules (prototype). -------------------------------------------------- 2004-04-27::zms-2.2.0-b09.tar.gz -- PATCH (for xm / uni-cgn) * Fixed problem with uploading resource-attributes to special-objects in combination with active media-folder. -- ZOPE 2.7 & PYTHON 2.3 * Improved support for Zope-2.7.0 and Python-2.3 (will not work on Zope-2.6.x and Python 2.1.x anymore) -------------------------------------------------- 2004-05-03::zms-2.2.0-b10.tar.gz -- SQL-DB * Fixed exception for unknown column-types. -- SPECIAL OBJECTS * Added support for DTML Documents/Methods. -------------------------------------------------- 2004-05-05::zms-2.2.0-b11.tar.gz -- ZOPE 2.7 & PYTHON 2.3 * Improved support for Zope-2.7.0 and Python-2.3 (will not work on Zope-2.6.x and Python 2.1.x anymore) -------------------------------------------------- 2004-05-10::zms-2.2.0-b12.tar.gz -- ZMS ELEARNING COMPONENTS (for xmachina) * Improved performance of deleting applications for courses. -------------------------------------------------- 2004-05-11::zms-2.2.0-b13.tar.gz -- MINOR CHANGES * Rename change-button to save-button * Redirect to manage_main after saving documents * Fixed bugs in task-lists -------------------------------------------------- 2004-05-16::zms-2.2.0-b15.tar.gz -- SPECIAL OBJECTS * Added new attribute types 'constant' and 'dialog'. * Revised configuration interface. -- ZMS ELEARNING COMPONENTS (for hoffmann&reif consultancy) * Improved performance for submitting and removing applications for courses. -- BUG-FIX (for uni-cgn) * Fixed error in search (local variable 'message' referenced before assignment). -------------------------------------------------- 2004-06-05::zms-2.2.0-b17.tar.gz -- SPECIAL OBJECTS * Revised configuration interface. -- BLOB-FIELDS * Fixed bug in synchronization of aliases for blob_html. -- MINOR CHANGES * Fixed bug in ftp-export. * Fixed bug in metadata-configuration interface. * Added icons to default special-objects. * Revised management interface. -- WORKFLOW * Fixed bug for link-collections not entering workflow. -- VERSION UPDATE * Fixed bug in version update of portal/client environments. -------------------------------------------------- 2004-06-12::zms-2.2.0-b18.tar.gz -- FTP EXPORT (for xm) * Fixed security issue in ftp export. -------------------------------------------------- 2004-06-16::zms-2.2.0-b19.tar.gz -- ZMS-DEVELOPERS (contributed by Karsten W. Rohrbach) * Patch: UTF-8 weirdnesses in 2.2b17 -- ZMS-DEVELOPERS (requested by A. Strotmann) * Patch: Display warning if requested page is located at different url. -- ZMS-DEVELOPERS (contributed by D. Datzert) * Patch: fixed typo in im/export form of datatables. -------------------------------------------------- 2004-06-18::zms-2.2.0-b20.tar.gz -- ZMS-DEVELOPERS (requested by A. Strotmann / R. Bendit) * Patch: Redirect with 301 (moved permanently) if requested page is located at different url. -- ZMS-DEVELOPERS (requested by D. Datzert) * Patch: Upload-file/image maxlength. -------------------------------------------------- 2004-06-22::zms-2.2.0-b21.tar.gz -- BUGFIX * Fixed bug in instantiation of new ZMS objects causesd by upload-file/image maxlength patch. -- DATATYPES * Added support for amount-datatypes (default currency is EUR) -------------------------------------------------- 2004-06-23::zms-2.2.0-b22.tar.gz -- TEMPLATE-SETS * Revised for Zope-2.7.0 and Python-2.3. -- MINOR CHANGES * Patch: added utf-8 metatag for printversion. -------------------------------------------------- 2004-06-29::zms-2.2.0-b23.tar.gz -- MINOR CHANGES * Fixed bug in ftp export. * Fixed bug in user-management: unable to delete nodes. * Fixed bug in default-filter. * Revised default graphic-displaytypes and replaced tables by divs. * Added hook txng_get for TextIndexNG >= 2.06. -------------------------------------------------- 2004-07-03::zms-2.2.0-b24.tar.gz -- LANGUAGES (for xm) * Added inheritance of language-dictionaries from portal to clients. -- ZMS-DEVELOPERS (requested by Dirk K. Schuhmayr) * Patch: Removed static cellspacing/-padding from ZMSTable-implementation and replaced it by style ftTable. -- SITEMAP * Revised for Zope-2.7.0 and Python-2.3. -------------------------------------------------- 2004-07-07::zms-2.2.0-b25.tar.gz -- LANGUAGES (for xm) * Revised inheritance of language-dictionaries from portal to clients. -------------------------------------------------- 2004-10-18::zms-2.2.0-b26.tar.gz -- SEARCH * Added support for search in subordinate www-sites. * Applied fixes for utf-8 search from later releases (->zms-2.3.0-b17) -------------------------------------------------- 2004-11-11::zms-2.2.0-b27.tar.gz -- SEARCH * Fixed bug in search for large www-sites. -------------------------------------------------- 2004-11-22::zms-2.2.0-b28.tar.gz -- MINOR CHANGES * Fixed bug for capital german umlauts (reported by Dr. F. Hoffmann) -- SPECIAL OBJECTS * Added support for custom dialogs in initialization of new special object (for DESY) --------------------------------------------------